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Fakultät für Informatik


Every week with an even week number (i.e. week 2, 4, etc.) the research seminar of the group including Bachelor and MSc students is held at 9:15 on Thursday. During this seminar final theses are presented, students present their work progress, and everybody is welcome to present something they find interesting.



Past Events

Donnerstag, 23.01.2025, 9:15 – 9:45 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Maximilian Hellmich
Comparing Similarity Measures for Online Motion Alignment
Donnerstag, 16.01.2025, 9:15 – 9:45 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Mart Hagedoorn
Orienteering (with Time Windows) on Restricted Graph Classes
Donnerstag, 19.12.2024, 9:15 – 9:45 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Sebastian Gehrke
Lösen von n x n Edge-Matching-Problemen mit MaxSAT-Modellen
Donnerstag, 05.12.2024, 9:45 – 9:55 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Kateryna Brekhunenko
Optimal Non-Obtuse Triangulations of PSLG
Donnerstag, 05.12.2024, 9:35 – 9:45 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Marius Hille
Computing Non-Obtuse Triangulations with Small Number of Steiner Points
Donnerstag, 05.12.2024, 9:25 – 9:35 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Dennis Luft
Computing Non-Obtuse Triangulations with Heuristics
Donnerstag, 05.12.2024, 9:15 – 9:25 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Marcin Mennemann
Computing Non-Obtuse Triangulations with Guarantees
Donnerstag, 28.11.2024, 9:40 – 10:00 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Olga Ordu-Vyshinskaya
Orientierte Dilation vollständiger Graphen
Donnerstag, 28.11.2024, 9:15 – 9:35 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Nina Niehoff
Dynamic Time Warping durch kürzeste Wege Berechnung
Donnerstag, 14.11.2024, 9:15 – 9:40 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Chi Huynh
Sweeping a Domain with Line-of-Sight Between Covisible Agents
Donnerstag, 31.10.2024, 9:15 – 9:45 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Eric Weidner
2-Layer Straightline Crossing Minimization Problems 
Donnerstag, 24.10.2024, 9:30 – 9:45 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Mart Hagedoorn
Discretized Random Walk Models for Efficient Movement Interpolation
Donnerstag, 24.10.2024, 9:00 – 9:30 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Simon Bülhoff
Optimierungsalgorithmen zur Orientierung von planaren Graphen
Donnerstag, 17.10.2024, 9:15 – 9:45 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Torben Scheele
Geometric Spanners of Bounded Tree-Width
Donnerstag, 10.10.2024, 9:15 – 9:45 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Omar Chatila
Comparing and Optimizing Geometric Distance Measures for Human-Motion Tracking 
Montag, 7.10.2024, 14:30 – 15:00 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Mohammed-Khir Hatem
Bounded-degree, demand-aware spanners in 3D
Mittwoch, 25.9.2024, 10:00 – 10:45 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Joshua Kirchberg
Ermittlung eines SAT Modells für 1 × n Edge Matching Puzzles als Lösungsansatz für n × n Instanzen
Donnerstag, 19.9.2024, 09:15 – 10:00 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Jona Heinrichs
Practical Algorithms for Maximum Polygon Packing
Donnerstag, 12.9.2024, 09:15 – 9:45 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Maximilian Hellmich
Comparing Similarity Measures for Online Motion Alignment
Donnerstag, 1.8.2024, 09:15 – 9:30 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Eric Weidner
2-Layer Straightline Crossing Minimization Problems
Donnerstag, 1.8.2024, 09:30 – 10:15 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Alkan Atak
Praktische Algorithmen für das rectilinear Block Packing
Dienstag, 30.7.2024, 13:00 – 13:30 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Lisa Salewsky
Meta-heuristic Approaches for Personalized Running and Cycling Routes
Freitag, 19.07.2024, 09:30 – 10:00 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Karsten Hogreve
Mixed-Integer-Linear-Programming-Modelle für das zweidimensionale Rucksackproblem
Donnerstag, 18.07.2024, 09:30 – 10:00 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Torben Scheele
Geometric Spanners of bounded Tree-Width
Donnerstag, 20.06.2024, 09:15 – 9:30 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Simon Bülhoff
Orientierungsalgorithmen zur Orientierung von planaren Graphen
Donnerstag, 20.06.2024, 09:30 – 9:45 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Jonathan Leonhardt
EEG-Daten-Analyse mit Dynamic Time Warping
Donnerstag, 06.06.2024, 09:15 – 9:30 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Mohammed Hatem
Demand-Aware spanners in 3D
Donnerstag, 25.4.2024, 09:15 – 9:30 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Lisa Salewsky
Meta-heuristic Approaches for Personalized Running and Cycling Routes
Donnerstag, 25.4.2024, 09:30 – 9:45 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Mart Hagedoorn
Orienteering with Time Windows on Restricted Graph Classes
Research Update
Donnerstag, 11.4.2024, 09:15 – 9:35 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Eric Weidner
2-Layer Straightline Crossing Minimization Problems
Donnerstag, 21.3.2024, 09:15 – 9:35 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Torben Scheele
Geometric Spanners of bounded Tree-Width
Donnerstag, 7.3.2024, 10:00 – 11:00 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Gill Barequet
My Life Among The Polyominoes (tribute to the late D.A. Klarner)
A polyomino is an edge-connected cells on the square lattice. The main research questions (all are open) in this field are the following.
1. Is there a formula for the number of polyominoes of a given size?
2. In the absence of a known formula, is there a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm for computing the number of polyominoes of a given size?
3. What is the growth constant of polyominoes?
In this talk I will give an overview of the field of polyominoes, and review my contributions to this field in the last 20 years.
Donnerstag, 7.3.2024, 09:15 – 9:45 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Joel Haubold
Unlabeled Multi-Robot Motion Planning for Translating Square Robots
Donnerstag, 22.2.2024, 09:15 – 10:00 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Jan Erik Swiadek
Continuous Dynamic Time Warping for 2D Polygonal Curves under Different Norms
Donnerstag, 1.2.2024, 09:15 – 10:00 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Karsten Hogreve
Mixed Integer Linear Progam Modelle für das zweidimensionale Rucksackproblem
Donnerstag, 17.1.2024, 09:15 – 10:00 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Alexander Korn
Evaluation von Random Walk Modellen von Interpolation von Bewegungsdaten
Donnerstag, 21.12.2023, 09:00 – 09:20 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Lisa Salewsky
Meta-heuristic Approaches for Personalized Running and Cycling Routes
Donnerstag, 21.12.2023, 09:40 – 10:00 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Alkan Atak
Praktische Algorithen für das rectilinear Block Packing
Donnerstag, 7.12.2023, 09:15 – 10:00 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Erik van den Akker
Multi-agent Online Graph Exploration on Restricted Graph Classes
Donnerstag, 17.11.2023, 09:20 – 09:40 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Jona Heinrichs
Practical Algorithms for Maximum Polygon Packing
Donnerstag, 2.10.2023, 09:30 – 10:00 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Frank Staals (U Utrecht)
The complexity of geodesic spanners
Donnerstag, 2.10.2023, 09:00 – 9:30 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Rodrigo Silveira (UPC Barcelona)
The Borsuk number of geometric graphs
Donnerstag, 26.10.2023, 09:15 – 10:00 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Nicolas Wünderich
Analyse der orientierten Dilation auf Triangulierungen
Donnerstag, 12.10.2023, 9:15 – 9:45 Uhr, Raum OH14/204
Alexander Korn
Evaluation of Random Walk Models for Movement Interpolation
Donnerstag, 14.09.2023, 10:15 – 10:45 Uhr, Raum OH14/204
Joel Haubold
Unlabeled Multi-Robot Motion Planning for Translating Square Robots
Donnerstag, 14.09.2023, 09:15 – 10:00 Uhr, Raum OH14/204
Marianna D'Addario
Design von q-eindeutigen DNA-Sequenzen mittels Eulertour in De Bruijn Graphen
Donnerstag, 17.08.2023, 09:15 – 10:00 Uhr, Raum OH14/204
David Feininger
GPS-art with Map Matching
Donnerstag, 17.08.2023, 10:15 – 11:00 Uhr, Raum OH14/204
Jan Erik Swiadek
Continuous Dynamic Time Warping for 2D Polygonal Curves under Different Norms
Montag, 3.7.2023, 13:45-14:15 Uhr, Raum OH14/202
Zafer Özsoy
Experimentelle Evaluation orientierter Spanngraphen im 1-Dimensionalen
4.5.2023, 09:15-09:45, Raum OH14/202
Jona Scholz
The minimum coverage convex polygons problem for polygons with holes
Kateryna Brekhunenko
Lower bounds on the number of substructures in planar graphs
Lars Nitzschke
Practical evaluation of a tree-based repeated 2-OPT algorithm for the travelling salesperson problem